The Crew is a service user group for those who have previously accessed inpatient mental health services such as The Cove, The Junction or The Platform. The Crew is facilitated by previous service uses and their parents/carers.
We have been running for 16 years and have been the foundation and model group for participation throughout the network.
We work in close partnership with the management team at The Cove, commissioners, and other mental health services in the North West.
We are involved in all service developments and give our voice and opinions to help improve the services that are offered to young people, parents and carers.
We are a significant element of the Participation Strategy which requires the information sharing systems to be effectively managed to ensure the group is fully tied in with service development.
Why is The Crew so important?
As experts by experience we can give views and opinions from a young person’s or parents and carers point of view and as an individual who understands what it is like to use services.
We improve the service by making sure that a person-centred approach is always used and all changes are considered from a service user, parent or carers experience.
By using previous experiences we can teach current and future staff how to create a more positive and supportive environment, as well as advising within and outside the Trust (e.g. new
Things that The Crew has been involved in
- The Cove - maintenance, environment, logo, the chefs.
- Welcome packs.
- Internal and external interviews for staff.
- Interview shortlisting.
- Training days CAMHS Tier 3 and Tier 4, MHLT.
- Steering groups.
- The Rigby Suite.
- Reviewing policies and information.
- Inspection and accreditation visits.
- Training for UCLan students.
- Conferences and workshops.
- Award events.
- CPA Standards Wall.
Join The Crew
We would love to have you!
Anyone joining The Crew is fully discussed and agreed with the current members. If it is agreed the Participation Team will then contact you and will go through the recruitment process.
Identifying someone who wishes to join The Crew can come from the family support group, participation groups and individual interests from parents and young people who have experience with the service.
If there is a vacancy and agreement from The Crew, a session is arranged with a member of The Crew to discuss in more detail expectations, what commitment entails and transport needs. If both parties wish to proceed then that person can join The Crew!
If you are interested in joining The Crew or would like more information we wold love to
hear from you!
Please contact Vickie Beer on 01524 550 360.