Volunteers are an integral part of the NHS, and have been since it was founded in 1948. They provide support for staff and patients and bring enthusiasm and different skills to their roles. Volunteering offers an ideal opportunity for members of the local community to be engaged in activities that can support the development of skills and build confidence.
The Volunteers we have within Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust (LSCft) are no exception. Their dedication and commitment is exemplary and the impact they have can not be underestimated, no matter what role they carry out.
Volunteers are an essential resource contributing to LSCft by complimenting the role of employed staff and enhancing services. They make a unique and valuable contribution to the people in our services, visitors and staff but they do not replace staff.
Why become a volunteer?
There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer, but becoming a volunteer allows you to:
- Gain experience and skills to further personal development
- Gain an insight into the NHS, particularly if you are thinking of a career with us
- The opportunity to give something back
- Having volunteering experience is always useful for CV's as it shows initiative.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
The recruitment process usually takes four to six weeks to complete after the initial recruitment awareness session and will include clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service, health checks and appropriate references.
As much time as you can spare. However, we suggest that between half to one day per week is a good starting point, depending on the type of voluntary work chosen.
We will reimburse a reasonable amount of travelling expenses and provide subsidised lunch if you volunteer for more than 4 hours and over the lunch period.
Obviously, we want you to stay with us as long as possible but a minimum of six months is desirable. When you have completed six months or 100 hours, we are happy to provide a reference for you for future college courses or employment, if required.
Apply to be a volunteer
View our vacancies on our Better Impact page
View our current volunteer vacancies
Contact us
Phone: 01772 645 507
Email: volunteering@lscft.nhs.uk
Volunteering Services,
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Sceptre Point
Sceptre Way, Walton Summit
Preston, Lancashire