Welcome to the Children’s Therapy Services - Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy. Here you will find information and resources to help you support your child’s communication and physical health.
We support children and young people to develop their skills to their full potential, so they can participate in everyday activities. We work in partnership with you, your child and any other important people in their life.
- Special educational needs and disabilities - local offer - Lancashire County Council.
- Library services - Lancashire County Council.
- EHC plans - Lancashire County Council.
- Portage - Lancashire County Council.
- Find a children and family wellbeing service - Lancashire County Council.
- Early years communication and language toolkit and roadmap - Lancashire County Council.
- Play, explore and learn - Lancashire County Council.
Pennine Lancashire
Please email or telephone for a referral form.
Email: CTS.Pennine@lscft.nhs.uk
Telephone: 01282 628 428 or 01282 628 429
Central and West Lancashire
Please email or telephone for a referral form.
Email: CTS.Central.West@lscft.nhs.uk
Telephone: 01772 215 065