We know that it is never easy to come to a new service so we hope that the information below will be helpful in giving you a better idea about what to expect from us.
The service is based in a large detached house in Chorley and is wheelchair accessible. This is the base for a number of staff who have specialist skills and expertise in the assessment and treatment of trauma. These staff include psychological practitioners, a prescribing pharmacist, clinical psychologists and admin staff. It is also possible that you may be seen by a member of clinical staff on placement with the service or by a trainee who are supervised by a senior member of staff.
You can expect the service to offer you a careful and detailed assessment of your current difficulties which may take a number of meetings to complete.
During these appointments, you will have the chance to meet with the team pharmacist as well as one of the team therapists.
We can arrange an interpreter if necessary. Generally, you will see the same members of staff each time you attend.
At your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a number of questionnaires to help us to build up a clearer picture of your concerns and difficulties.
Following this assessment, you can expect to contribute to a discussion with your named therapist regarding a plan for the treatment of your difficulties. We are very keen as a service to work collaboratively with you.
It might not always be the case that we will offer treatment following the assessment. If we don’t think that treatment is indicated at the present time we will discuss this with you.
Where treatment is indicated, we will offer you treatment in line with the guidance produced by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. (Clinical Guideline 26) i.e. trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) and where appropriate, medication. Below is some more information about the approaches to treatment that we offer.
Frequently asked questions
You are most welcome to attend sessions accompanied by someone close to you, if this would be helpful. We understand the value and importance of the support offered by family members or people close to you. We understand too that it can be hard work providing support for someone dealing with trauma symptoms and we would always be happy to meet with them as part of a collaborative approach to assessment and treatment should you wish. You may also bring any animals which are suitably trained - please contact us to discuss this further.
You may have a preference regarding the gender of the member of our team that you see. Please do let us know if you have a preference and we will do our best to accommodate your wishes.
You can expect us to work hard with you to provide a professional service that is designed around your individual needs and as an active treatment service we will also have expectations of you! We will expect that you will be committed to attend the appointments we arrange together. If there is a good reason why you have to cancel an appointment, please cancel as soon as you can and book your next appointment with the service. This will be your responsibility.
If you fail to attend without letting us know we will try and make contact with you over the following days. If we are unable to contact you, we will write to you asking that you telephone the service within one week to make another appointment. If we don’t hear from you, we will generally assume that you no longer wish to be seen and your case will be closed.
We will also ask you to complete questionnaires regularly when you are working with us. These questionnaires will be about your symptoms, your progress and about how you experience the service we provide. We are grateful in advance for your co-operation with this.
After your work with us is completed you will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the service we have provided to you as we strive to continuously improve of service.