Thanks to Easy on the i for the use of their image bank.

Flu and Covid are infections that can make people feel really poorly.

The symptoms can be:
- High temperature – feeling hot
- Aching body
- Headache
- Sneezing

The vaccination is available to you now.
If you are vaccinated it will protect you and keep you safe.
It will also stop you from spreading it to your family and friends.

The vaccination is free.

The vaccination is given as an injection that goes into your arm.

If you do not like needles and are scared then you can have a nasal spray instead for the flu vaccine.
It is up to you so don’t worry.

The nasal spray goes into the nose and is easy and very quick to have.

If you are anxious or worried it is very important that you tell your doctor.

Ring your doctors surgery and tell them you are worried.
Or you can ask a friend or carer to ring for you.

The receptionist will talk to you to find out what they can do to help you.
This may mean you can have your injection or nasal spray at a special clinic.
Or the doctor or nurse may come to your house.