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Being well

Vaccinations can help you stay well and can protect you from feeling unwell.

Friend or carer

When you go to the doctors the doctor or nurse will explain that they are going to give you a vaccination.

You can take a parent, carer or friend with you for support.

What medicine?

They will tell you what your vaccination is for.

Next step

They will explain what they are going to do.


You should tell the doctor or nurse if you are worried


The doctor or nurse will tell you where they are going to give you the injection.

Vaccination Injection

This might be in your arm tummy or bottom.

Doctor and Nurse

The doctor or nurse will clean the area of your body where they are giving you the injection.

Nurse and patient

The injection might be a little bit sore but only for a couple of seconds.

The doctor or nurse might put some cotton wool where they gave you the injection.