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An annual health check is when the doctor or nurse checks how your health is. An annual health check is offered to all people with a learning disability from age 14.
You go to your doctor’s surgery each year for your health check.

You don’t need to be unwell to have an annual health check, most people go when they are feeling well and healthy.

You might see your doctor or nurse.

You can think about questions you might want to ask your doctor or nurse, this might be about something that is worrying or hurting you.

You can go for your annual health check once a year.

You usually get a letter in the post to remind you to make an appointment, you can ask someone to help you to make an appointment.

Health checks usually take between half an hour and 1 hour.

You can ask someone to come to your health check with you if you want.

At a health check the doctor or nurse will ask you questions about your health and wellbeing. They will ask things like;
- What medicine you take
- If you are happy or sad
- What food you eat
- About your poo.

They will also check things like;
- How much you weigh
- Your eyes
- Your temperature
- Your blood pressure.

The doctor or nurse might ask you to lift your top up a little bit, so they can check things like;
- Your chest
- Your tummy.

Your doctor or nurse might want to check your wee.
You can bring this with you in a clean bottle, or your doctor or nurse might give you one at your appointment to wee in.

You can say no to any part of the health check if you are unhappy.

To help you stay healthy and well.

You can talk to your doctor or nurse about anything you might be worried about.
If there is anything wrong with you, your doctor can help you.
You will get to know your doctor and they will get to know you better.