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Download Annual health checks with your doctor - short easy read PDF.

All people with a learning disability from the age of 14 are offered an annual health check.
This health check happens once a year.

These are very important to help you stay well.
It is important that you get to know your doctor too.

Your doctor will send you a letter inviting you to your annual health check.

An annual health check will take at least 30 minutes.

You can take a parent or carer with you.

First you might see a nurse.

A nurse will see how tall you are.
A nurse will weigh you on some special scales.
A nurse will take your blood pressure.
A nurse might ask you to wee in a pot. This is so they can test your wee to see if you have an infection.
A nurse might want to take a blood sample.
It’s OK to tell the Nurse if you are scared of needles.

Then you will see the doctor.
The doctor will ask you how you are feeling.
The doctor might want to look at and feel parts of your body like listening to your chest.
They will ask you if this is OK first.
You can say if it is not OK.

From October you will be offered your Flu vaccine. This is free.
Don’t worry if you are scared of needles. You can have a nasal spray instead.

The doctor will then write your action plan.
The doctor will ask if it’s OK to tell other people who support you about your health check.
This is called giving consent.

If you want to ask some questions about annual health checks then you can email the Health Facilitation Team.