The Local Academic Programme (LAP) occurs each wednesday afternoon. This is attended by all grades of doctor. We have training in mental health law, mental capacity law, pharmacy, quality improvement, audit, freedom to speak up and sessions for our doctors to showcase their good work.
Some of the sessions are linked to the regional MRCPsych Course and syllabus. Each of these sessions has a theme such as Alzheimer’s disease or Schizophrenia. Doctors have the opportunity to present cases, presentations, journal clubs, critical appraisal or audits for which they receive an assessment to include in their portfolios.
There is also the opportunity to complete multiple choice questions which relate to the exams. Higher trainees deliver expert led sessions, interview skills training and chair discussions, all of which contribute to their leadership and management development. Consultants also chair sessions, deliver teaching, and receive feedback on their performance for their own continuous professional development.
"These have been inspiring sessions where I have become even more passionate about psychiatry and learnt a lot about communication and about myself."
- (Junior Doctor, 2018)