MRCPsych Course
Trainees at LSCft participate in the Health Education England North West (HEENW) MRCPsych course which is a two year NHS run course that aims to bring theory to practice, and to reconnect the training strands of the weekly local teaching programmes (like the one we have here in Lancashire and South Cumbria), the regional academic days, psychotherapy training and supervision from the trainee’s supervisor.
There is an explicit link to the MRCPsych syllabus and examinations. The MRCPsych course achieves consistency and parity across a large geographical area to ensure that all trainees receive the same standard of training regardless of their clinical placement, with more of this training being delivered in the workplace by NHS consultants. Ultimately, trainees are better prepared for the MRCPsych examinations and clinical practice.
The programme is split into four semesters over the two year period. At LSCft we offer four hours of teaching per week, this is called the Local Academic Programme. We also support core trainees to attend the Regional Academic Programme, which is delivered centrally by the School of Psychiatry. The regional programme has further MRCPsych-related topics, including physical health and critical appraisal.
A number of our consultants and supervisors have strong links to the programme, in a leadership capacity or have taught for many years on the course.
"The environment is very supportive and we are encouraged to think and learn about the cases which are presented at the teaching."
- (CT Doctor, 2018)
Specific Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) Development
To support our core trainees and other doctors with their preparations for the CASC exam, we run development programmes to coincide with the exam schedule. These sessions are free for the candidates. The sessions aim to teach the clinical and communication skills needed to pass the CASC examination and to offer mentoring and coaching at a group and individual level.
"This was a brilliant way of practicing for our exams in a positive environment."
- (CT Doctor, 2018)