Core trainees in psychiatry rotate through placements in a variety of specialties and are expected to pass the MRCPsych exams and achieve competencies according to a national curriculum.
Our core training posts are well established and are supported by clinical and educational supervisors committed to the development of their trainees. The wider clinical teams also provide skilled input into these training posts and all are aware of the training requirements of core trainees. There are posts in all major specialties, and we have recently opened a Mother and Baby Unit.
Protected time enables trainees to attend the regional MRCPsych programme along with our local Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) development sessions. Trainees are also supported to attend our own Local Academic Programme (LAP) which is linked to the MRCPsych Course syllabus.
Our psychotherapy tutor supports the development of basic psychotherapy competencies. Balint groups and both short and long psychotherapy mandatory cases are facilitated and supervised to ensure that our core trainees meet the required standard. Prior to taking on a case, we have a number of training sessions via the CBT Skills Course and Psychodynamic Skills Course to introduce basic skills which can be signed up to.
Trainees are also encouraged and supported to involve themselves in the delivery of teaching and training, with numerous opportunities available.
We are a research focussed Trust. We have a number of academic core training posts along with an active medical research forum.
Many core trainees express an interest to complete specialty training within the Trust.
"I have been able to see high standards of patient care and learn from this. Teachings have been of good standard and inspiring. I was made very welcome in the department."
- (CT Doctor, 2018)